December 12, 2010

Testing my new way to blog!

Wow I cannot believe it has been since August that I have posted anything!!! There has been a lot going on... we were trying to sell our house and that seemed to take alot out of us, and not leave much time for playing in the kitchen. As a matter of fact it felt like the kitchen, my heart of the home, had to be turned "off" every week as we had an open house, so everything was taken off the counters... Placed somewhere descreete and it never really felt like it came back to normal after each open house. And when my kitchen is out of sorts so am I! I felt little inspiration. Any way to make a long story short, we are not selling the house and have happily decided to call our home, home sweet home for many many years to come. So my kitchen is coming back together, and sometimes it even feels better than it was... Perhaps all the organizing I did!!

In addition to that, I have been working with my naturopath to try and feel my best, as this has always been a struggle... Long story again, but to sum up, I am doing a plan with her based on blood work value and metabolism type etc etc called Healthy and Active. Presently, and for the last 12 weeks I have been on phase two, which is a considerable change in food selection for me, and once I am at peak vitality, I will move along to phase 3... Which is for life. Basically I am eating foods that are optimal for my metabolism and digestive function. So this in itself has been an adjustment, especially as Eyla is not as restricted as me in some regards, and in others she is more.

So to sum up, I am giving a go at trying to post through email, as I can post from wherever I want with my iPod... Thinking I will post more!!!

Can't wait to share some new recipes with you!


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